
I've always wanted to tell stories and have spent time honing my writing skills to be able to do this well. I have training and experience writing in many different formats and for a variety of audiences. Below are some examples of my writing that were done for informational, instructional, and news purposes.

Cooking Blog

This is an unpublished blog entry that’s meant to be an example of something that could be posted on a lifestyle or cooking blog. It walks through a recipe for Christmas cookies, with explanations and photos about what happens at each step. It also includes tips on how to enhance the original recipe. It’s meant to target readers of this type of blog, who want to bake something new, but need some support on how to do that.

To read the full article click here.

Screenshot of cooking blog for butterscotch gingerbread cookies.

Local News: School Competition

Early in my career, I wrote several news articles for a local weekly newspaper in New Jersey. For this article on a high school color guard team, I interviewed students and their coaches to report on their performance in a recent competition. The purpose of the article was to engage readers about community events. This article appeared in the West Orange Chronicle.

Newspaper article titled, Winter color guard caps off successful campaign.

Local News: Town Construction

In another article I wrote for the local paper, I interviewed town officials about the reason for building a new school and the status of its construction. I also interviewed parents and townspeople living near the school to report on reactions to it from multiple points of view. The purpose of this article was to keep the public informed about what was happening in the town. This article appeared in the West Orange Chronicle.

Newspaper article titled, Parts of Liberty won't be ready for September.

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